Monday, April 30, 2012

Sleepover Spaz Style (How to... Untangle Round Hair Brush)

 So Spaz had her first sleepover this weekend. It was... Interesting.

 LOL - Did you have it at your place?

 Hell no! I'm not crazy! She went to a friend's house. There were three little girls total. She had a blast. They went out to pizza and ice cream, stayed up late and overall things went smoothly until about 15 minutes before I picked her up then… CATASTROPHE!
 Oh noooo... That is the thing it is ALWAYS something, LOL
 I walked in the door and there was my daughter looking like something had nested in her hair. Well turns out she decided to try and "curl" her hair with one of those dreaded round hairbrushes. Well curl it she did, in every which way you can imagine and wrapped it all up around that stupid ass brush.
 Oh nooooo.... I hate those brushes and can only imagine the damage she had done to her hair/head....
 After numerous attempts at trying to remove the damn thing I decided a trip to the salon was in order being that the brush was at her roots I was really feeling horrible thinking that miss Spaz maybe rocking a buzz cut and I didn't want it to be at my hand.
 Man... She did get the brush in there deep. All the way to the roots is intense. Poor Spaz it had to hurt as well as be uncomfortable
 Yea she said it was starting to hurt to have the brush dangling around back there. So we loaded up in the car and headed over to the salon and I promised her she could get a couple bright colored feather extensions with her new haircut. She was actually pretty excited about her trip to the salon and I was mildly irritated but somewhat amused. Upon arrival she plopped down in the chair and the hair girl’s eyes got big. She just examined for a couple minutes and hmmed, she didn't want to cut it at the roots (THANK GOD!). She ended up getting a pick comb and slowly picking the hair out of the brush bit by bit. Not only did it work but Spaz had the best tease job EVER, those Jersey Shore girls would be envious!
 I bet she was beyond surprised at how tangled the hair was... At least she was able to get it out without having to chop a chunk of her hair out.
 You are telling me! My heart would have broken if they had to chop her hair off. So after that drama she got a styling haircut and some multicolored feathers and she is feeling pretty awesome. I think I actually caught her blowing herself kisses in the mirror this morning (yeash). Proof that a trip to the salon can make any lady feel better.

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